March 29, 2025

Friends since the 90’s, 1st time us Dads got to hang out in 13 years and we made it worth it. Patriots Place kept us busy, and a game day just added to the fun.

]We started early with darts and Bowling at Splitsville and fueled up on all the game day essentials,

We then spent a few hours at the Patriots Hall of Fame Super interactive and so much more than I expected.

Around 6 we hit the field house tailgate, Amazing buffet of everything, and crazy good steak tips. And even a Patriots Cheerleaders show.

Then game time, beautiful new huge screen and the vibes were rocking

1. Splitsville/Howl at the Moon @PatriotPlace
2. Patriot’s Hall of Fame  @PatriotsHall
3. Field House Tailgate 
4. Patriots/Miami Game @gillettestadium 

Must Do Next Time: 
Drinks at Scorpion Bar @scorpionPatriotPlace
Throws at Crazy Axes  @CrazyAxesFoxborough 
BBQ at @Axelandbyrne 
Music at @Sixstringfoxborough 
Watch Away Game at @HarpFoxborough