As nominated by you, and currently being voted on by you for top honors! But everyone is a winner as we all know we will all be looking over this list and deciding where we will go for St. Valentine’s Day Weekend!

111 Chop House Worcester, MA | www.111chophouse.com/ |
1606 Restaurant at the Beauport Hotel Gloucester | www.beauporthotel.com/ |
1640 Hart House Ipswich, MA | www.1640harthouse.com/ |
1761 Old Mill restaurant. Westminster | www.1761oldmill.com |
29 Rustic Mediterranean, Sudbury | www.rustic29.com/ |
3 Restaurant in Franklin | www.3-restaurant.com |
5 Corners Kitchen in Marblehead MA | www.5cornerskitchen.com |
75 Chestnut | www.75chestnut.com |
80 Thoreau Concord | www.80thoreau.com/ |
Alba Quincy | www.Albaquincy.com |
Alcove (Boston) | www.Alcoveboston.com |
Alden & Harlow (Cambridge) | www.aldenharlow.com/ |
Alicante, Mendon MA | www.alicantema.com |
Alina’s, Hadley, MA | www.myalinas.com |
Alma Nove Hingham | www.Almanovehingham.com |
Alta Restaurant & Wine Bar Lenox | www.altawinebar.com/ |
Angelina’s Italian Restaurant, Tewksbury | www.angelinastewksbury.com/ |
Arya Boston North End | www.aryatrattoria.com/ |
Atlantica Cohasset | www.atlanticacohasset.com/ |
Bella Verona, Salem | www.bellaverona.com/ |
Bella Vista Boston (North End) | www.m.facebook.com/bellavistanorthend/ |
Bistro du Midi | www.bistrodumidi.com |
Blue Heron Restaurant, Hatfield | www.BlueHeronrestaurant |
Bocado (Worcester) | www.bocadotapasbar.com/ |
Bondir Restaurant, Cambridge | www.bondircambridge.com/ |
Boston Chops | www.bostonchops.com |
Bullfinches in Sudbury | www.bullfinchs.com |
Cafe Boulud at Blantyre, Lenox | www.blantyre.com/boulud/ |
Canola Italian Bar & Grill (Attleboro) | www.canovaitaliangrill.com/ |
Cappella , Needham | www.cappellarestaurant.com |
Carmelina’s Boston | www.carmelinasboston.com/ |
Castle Leicester Ma | www.castlerestaurant.com |
Cibo Matto | www.cibomattocaffe.com/ |
Conservatory at the Dan’l Webster In Sandwich | www.danlwebsterinn.com/ |
Cuvee at Chatham Inn | www.chathaminn.com/ |
DaVinci Bistro Sudbury | www.davincibistro.com |
Delfino- Boston (Roslindale Village) | www.delfinorestaurant.com |
Deuxave | www.Deuxave.com |
Eastside Grill, Northampton | www.eastsidegrill.com |
Eddie V’s – Burlington | www.eddiev.com/ |
Food 101, South Hadley | www.food101bistro.com/ |
Forge and Vine at the Groton Inn | www.forgeandvine.com/ |
French Quarter, Boston | www.frenchquarterboston.com |
Gateway Tavern Wareham | www.GatewayTavern.com |
Giardino’s Restaurant | www.giardinosabington.com |
Gibbet Hill Grill | www.gibbethillgrill.com |
Gran Gusto | www.grangustocambridge.com/ |
Grill 23 in Boston | www.Grill23andbar |
Harbour Light Inn Tavern, Marblehead | www.harborlightinn.com/breakfast-and-tavern |
Heritage, Sherborn | www.heritageofsherborn.com/ |
Hope & Olive Greenfield | www.hopeandolive.com/ |
Il Massimo, Dedham | www.massimori.com/ |
Keon’s 105 Bistro Haverhill | www.Keons.com |
La Compania – Waltham | www.lacampania.com/ |
La Morra, Brookline | www.lamorra.com |
LaRosa’s Andover | www.larosasofandover.com |
Ledger Restaurant, Salem | www.ledgersalem.com/ |
Lolita Fort Point | www.lolitamexican.com/ |
Longfellow’s Wayside Inn, Sudbury | www.wayside.org/ |
Luciano’s Wrentham | www.lucianosWrentham.com |
Mama Maria (north End) | www.mammamaria.com/ |
Mariel, Boston | www.marielofficial.com/ |
Mistral, Boston | www.mistralbistro.com/ |
Monument | www.Monumentcharlestown.com |
Mooo (Boston) | www.mooorestaurant.com/ |
My Place By The Sea – Rockport, MA | www.myplacebythesea.com/ |
Nathanial’s at the Hawthorne Hotel, Salem | www.natsrestaurant.com/ |
Nico Boston | www.nicoboston.com/ |
Ocean House, Dennisport | www.oceanhouserestaurant.com |
Oleana in Cambridge | www.oleanarestaurant.com |
Orinoco, South End | www.orinocokitchen.com/ |
o-ya Boston | www.o-ya.restaurant/ |
Peka Restaurant Brighton | www.Pekarestaurant.com |
Petit Robert Bistro | www.petitrobertbistro.com |
Raso’s Grille, Medford MA | www.rasosgrille.com |
Red Lion Inn. Stockbridge | www.redliininn.com |
Rhapsody’s Victorian Coffee House in Franklin | www.rhapsodysvictoriancoffeehouse.com/ |
Ristorante Serena Malden | www.ristoranteserena.com |
Riverhouse | www.riverhouseweirvillage.com |
Rossetti’s of Lynn | www.rossettilynn.com |
Rowes Wharf Sea Grille at Boston harbor Hotel | www.bhh.com/dining#rowes-wharf-sea-grille |
Salem Cross Inn, West Brookfield | www.salemcrossinn.com |
Salt, Plymouth | www.saltrawbarplymouth.com |
Saraceno (Boston, North End) | www.ristorantesaraceno.com/ |
Seaglass – Salisbury | www.seaglassoceanside.com/ |
Serena’s in Malden | www.ristoranteserena.com/ |
Sorellina Boston | www.sorellina.com |
Sorellina, Boston | www.Sorellina.com |
Spinnaker Brewster | www.SpinCape.com |
Stars at Chatham Bars Inn Cape Cod | www.chathambarsinn.com/dining/#stars |
State Room, Boston | www.longwoodvenues.com/ |
Storrowton Tavern – West Springfield | www.storrowton.com |
Sun Tavern Restaurant Duxbury | www.suntavernrestaurant.com |
Talulla Cambridge | www.Talullacambridge.com |
Tambo 22, Chelsea | www.tambo22chelsea.com |
Tavern on the Hill | www.tavernonline.com/ |
The Bistro & Wine Bar at Mirbeau, Plymouth | www.plymouth.mirbeau.com/dining/ |
The Castle Restaurant, Leicester, MA | www.castlerestaurant.com |
The Chanticleer Nantucket | www.TheChanticleer.com |
The Federal, Waltham, MA | www.the-federalrestaurant.com |
The Grotto Restaurant Boston | www.grottorestaurant.com/ |
The Grove | www.briarbarninn.com/grove/ |
The Hungry I | www.hungryiboston.com/ |
The Mews (Provincetown) | www.mewsptown.com |
The Ocean House Restaurant, Denis Port | www.oceanhouserestaurant.com/home/ |
The Palm – Boston | www.thepalm.com |
The Portico by Jeffrey Thompson, Lenox | www.wheatleigh.com/#diningportico |
The Red Inn, Provincetown, MA | www.theredinn.com/ |
The Red Lion Inn and Tavern Cohassett | www.redlioninn1704.com/ |
The Stave and Still Webster | www.TheStaveandStill.com |
The Tasty, Plymouth | www.thetastyplymouth.com/ |
The Tipsy Toboggan, Fall River | www.TheTipsyToboggan.com |
Tosca, Hingham | www.toscahingham.com/ |
Trattoria San Pietro | www.trattoriasanpietro.com |
Tresca North End Boston | www.trescanorthend.com/ |
Tunnel Bar, Northampton | www.thetunnelbar.com/ |
Tuscan Sea Grill Newburyport | www.tuscanseagrillbar.com/ |
Twenty Eight Atlantic, Harwich | www.wequassett.com/dining-listing/ |
Union Straw, Foxborough | www.unionstraw.com/ |
Venezia Boston | www.veneziaboston.com |
VIA Worcester | www.viaitaliantable.com |
Vico Ristorante Italiano Norwood | www.viconorwood.com |
Yvonne’s Boston | www.yvonnesboston.com |