BOSTON – Expanding on an increased focus on health regulations, Boston Government today announced a sweeping reform targeted at one of the most popular cocktails in the North End.
“We wanted to tell people we were targeting the North End without TELLING people we were targeting the North End,” said one City Hall worker speaking on condition of anonymity.

The delicious cocktail, made with 2 ounces vodka, 1/2 ounce coffee liqueur, 1 ounce espresso, freshly brewed, 1/2 ounce simple syrup and garnished with 3 coffee beans. has been deemed “unhealthy”.
North End customers and restaurant owners are understandably furious.
“I sell over 1,000 of them every weekend,” said one owner.
This obviously is a joke, but you only believed it because of how silly the real stories are.
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